“Plate Up” A Cooking, Food, Meditation & Lifestyle Course

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and thy Medicine be Food and Let Thy Food Be Delicious” ~ Hippocrates & Pati


A Cooking, Food, Meditation & Lifestyle Course

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Thy Medicine be Food and Let Thy Food Be Delicious”
~ Hippocrates & Pati

* Class 1 Time… Planning… The 5 Star Diet Personalized for You… Daily Meditation Practice
* Class 2 Breakfast Personalized Plate Menu & Recipes: Your Morning… Golden Lifestyle Nuggets
* Class 3 Lunch Personalized Plate Menu & Recipes: Your Afternoon… Golden Lifestyle Nuggets
* Class 4 Dinner Personalized Plate Menu & Recipes: Your Evening… Golden Lifestyle Nuggets Recipes
* Class 5 Your Lifestyle Plate; putting it all together: Work, cooking, family, meditation, travel, health, exercise, relaxation, play, good SLEEP!* Other Goodies; 5 Group Interactive Coaching Classes, 5 Cooking Videos, Experiential Meditations, Creative Cooking, Intuitive Eating, Recipes
June 28th ~ August 2nd 5:30 MST Fee $ 333.00


YES…you can live this! Happy Eats…Happy Life, Pati Reiss

Mental Health and Nutrition Blog

addiction treatment program
Academy for Addiction & Mental Health Nutrition

What to Look for In an Effective Addiction Treatment Program

Treatment has evolved in the last 40 years, since I got into the field. New knowledge and skill sets enrich program offerings and curriculums. And of course, high end programs are more able to diversify their programming than state run programs with less resources. That said, client needs more or less remain the same, across the board. This 4 part article attempts to list the elements which I consider to be optimal and even essential, across 4 domains:

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Academy for Addiction & Mental Health Nutrition

Sugar’s Hidden Impact: A Personal Journey

I want to share a rather illuminating experience I had with sugar driving home from the addiction conference West Virginia Association of Addiction and Prevention Professionals (WVAAPP) I attended last week.

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