Feed The Recovering Brain Summit 2025

Discover how feeding the brain with essential nutrients can unlock new pathways to healing and sustained recovery. This summit brings together world-renowned experts, cutting-edge research, and actionable tools to revolutionize addiction treatment through […]
What to Look for In an Effective Addiction Treatment Program

Treatment has evolved in the last 40 years, since I got into the field. New knowledge and skill sets enrich program offerings and curriculums. And of course, high end programs are more able to diversify their programming than state run programs with less resources. That said, client needs more or less remain the same, across the board. This 4 part article attempts to list the elements which I consider to be optimal and even essential, across 4 domains:
Adding a Nutritional Component to Your Addiction Treatment Program for Financial Benefit

How the FINANCIAL BOTTOM LINE of an Addiction Treatment Program Will IMMEDIATELY Benefit From Adding a Robust Nutritional Component to their Approach!
Community Prevention Strategies for Mental Health Issues and Substance Misuse which Address Underlying Biochemistry

As we all know, prevention itself is a powerful long-term strategy in our fight against addiction. It takes many shapes and forms, but the key is to build resilience in vulnerable populations.
But I SHOULDN’T need to take this amino acid? I SHOULD be able to cope on my own.

Have you ever thought, “But I SHOULDN’T need to take this amino acid? I SHOULD be able to cope on my own??? Or, you’ve been on the aminos for a […]
Amino Acids and Sugar Craving

Amino acid therapy can be very helpful to everyone struggling to deal with sugar cravings. Sugar cravings can be persistent and often create intense discouragement in people trying unsuccessfully to fight them. However, a variety of simple amino acids, which can be bought over-the-counter at vitamin stores or on-line, often do the trick! How so?
But, How Do I Get to Sleep???

We have all experienced a sleepless night or two worrying about an exam or job interview, or wondering how to pay the rent. But family members of active alcoholics and addicts often find that sleep eludes them much more chronically and dangerously.
Learning to feed the brain first, transforms therapist and her clients!

You might be asking yourself what type of students benefit most from learning this approach? I have attracted a wide variety of students, from housewives who had already experienced the […]