I have learned the power of amino acids for behavioral health outcomes

By Zane Guilfoyle, LPC, LAC

The Denver Element is a behavioral health treatment program of Mile High Behavioral Healthcare specifically for LGBTQ+ communities.

As a student in Christina’s class, I have learned the power of amino acids for behavioral health outcomes. More importantly, I have witnessed firsthand how a simple shift in supplementation can create profound change in the lives of the clients that I work with.

An example that stands out in my mind is a client we have been working with for several years. He was chronically homeless, had been living with HIV for over 25 years, and was a chronic meth user. 

This client historically utilized several community resources to the point of burnout; being turned away from emergency rooms due to a psychotic episode from recent meth use, refusal by community-based organizations to work with him on accessing housing or food, and external referrals from several substances programs. One day my case manager came into my office exasperated by the client’s lack of progress and his abrasive behavior. 

In that moment, I decided he would be a great client to try out all of the new information I learned in Christina’s class. I met with the client and discussed the different amino acids and talked to him about how they all could potentially help him. The client consented and so began our journey. 

After a few weeks following the recommendations, we as staff noted a profound change in his day-to-day substance use, overall health, and attitude. The changes were so noticeable that I asked the City and County of Denver’s Ryan White Program to pay for the supplements for our clients living with HIV. I

I am happy to report they approved our request and will be implementing a new substance use group called “Neuro Nutrition” into our programming teaching these Life-Changing ideas for all our clients to learn.


Zane Guilfoyle, LPC, LAC
Behavioral Health Program Manager – Denver Element & Transgender Center of the Rockies
System Administrator
Mile High Behavioral Healthcare
Comitis Crisis Center
Colfax Community Network
The Aspen Miracle Center
Aurora Day Resource Center
4242 Delaware St
Denver, CO 80216
(720) 382-5900 zguilfoyle@mhbhc.org
After Hours Peer Support Warm Line 720-256-6525
Please visit our website www.thedenverelement.org &www.milehighbehavioralhealthcare.org &www.comitiscrisiscenter.org

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