Many people cycle through program after program, or meeting after meeting, to no avail. They keep being given the same information and therapeutic approaches, and nothing changes. Conversely, some people sail through recovery, don’t have cravings or relapse, or suddenly find the missing piece, the secret sauce that makes all the difference in the world. What is this missing piece?
At the Academy for Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition, we emphasize the critical role of diet in mental health and recovery. One of the foundational concepts in our approach, and the core content of our Amino Acid Therapy Level 1 Certification Training, is the Food/Mood Connection.
In the world of addiction recovery, nutrition often takes a backseat. However, within the Academy of Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition, individuals like Dylan Lundgren, a TEDx Speaker, and Addiction Recovery Advocate, are discovering its transformative power under the guidance of Christina Veselak.
Are you ready to transform the way you think about anxiety? Bestselling author and nutritional psychiatrist Dr. Uma Naidoo, MD, brings you a groundbreaking guide beyond traditional mental health approaches. “Calm Your Mind with Food: A Revolutionary Guide to Controlling Your Anxiety” unveils a full-body […]
This article will focus on the biochemical/nutritional tools we have available to us. We will explore ways to reduce inflammation, decrease pain awareness, improve pain tolerance or resilience, speed up tissue healing, and even positively impact impaired neural pathways.
he impact of allergies and intolerances on mental health can be as simple as brain fog and spaciness, but can often be implicated in the experience of more severe mental illness, such as depression, anxiety, and even psychosis.
By Christina Veselak MS, LMFT, CN. Director, The Academy for Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition In honor of Stress Awareness Month, I would like to explore the roles our four mood-mediating neurotransmitters play in helping us cope with stress, and how to support their function […]
On St. Patrick’s Day, let’s talk about the darker side of Irish culture – the heavy drinking that is often associated with it. Did you know that people from Gaelic or Scandinavian backgrounds have a genetic disruption that can lead to depression and alcohol dependence? Learn more by reading our latest blog post.
How the FINANCIAL BOTTOM LINE of an Addiction Treatment Program Will IMMEDIATELY Benefit From Adding a Robust Nutritional Component to their Approach!
This article was written on the last day of a 4-day addiction conference in Colorado. I was there presenting on a genetic test, GARS, that purports to be able to predict with a fair degree of accuracy people’s predisposition to a variety of behavioral and […]