Christina Veselak can change your life.


Christina Veselak can change your life. She did mine. With multifaceted approaches to the whole person, I felt worth fixing. Hopeful and not in a quick fix, guilt driven way. But a permanent amazing journey to my true self. The one I’m proud of. No gimmicks, no crap.

Addressing the actual biology of addiction, not just the part that requires miserable withdrawal, will power, and more guilt if you did backslide, you feel and understand what is happening with the chemistry of it all and get empowered to fix it!

She gets to the roots of addiction and life damage that twists who we could be, into a wreck that is hard to face… and then helps to find the path, the real and walkable path out. The guidance and education she gave me LITERALLY helped me find my way to the, “Me”, I always hoped was really still in, “there”.

I’m forever grateful. No words could say enough, about how she helped me.

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Mental Health and Nutrition Blog

addiction treatment program
Academy for Addiction & Mental Health Nutrition

What to Look for In an Effective Addiction Treatment Program

Treatment has evolved in the last 40 years, since I got into the field. New knowledge and skill sets enrich program offerings and curriculums. And of course, high end programs are more able to diversify their programming than state run programs with less resources. That said, client needs more or less remain the same, across the board. This 4 part article attempts to list the elements which I consider to be optimal and even essential, across 4 domains:

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Academy for Addiction & Mental Health Nutrition

Sugar’s Hidden Impact: A Personal Journey

I want to share a rather illuminating experience I had with sugar driving home from the addiction conference West Virginia Association of Addiction and Prevention Professionals (WVAAPP) I attended last week.

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